Some Frequently Asked Questions

 How do park homes/ residential differ from conventional houses?

Living in a park home/ residential lodge feels the same as living in a conventional house. There is virtually no difference in the appearance of a park home and a conventional house. Park homes are often designed to look like traditionally built bungalows with a pitched roof. Park homes can come fully-furnished with appliances, built-in cupboards and wardrobes, one, two or three bedrooms and fitted bathrooms. Central heating and double glazing are standard in park homes. A park home and a lodge has a timber framed structure with a tough and durable weatherproof exterior. All manufacturers of park homes build the homes with a high level of insulation. This keeps energy bills to a minimum. Park homes are designed for easy maintenance.


What’s the difference between a Lodge and a Park Home?

Pathfinder Park Homes build all their Park Homes and Lodges to the same residential standard the difference is in the aesthetic design and feel. A lodge tends to be more open plan and designed for “holiday living”. We have plots avaliable on Chy Noweth Park for Park Homes and lodges.


Do have plots for lodges on your parks?

Yes we have plots on Chy Noweth that can be used for lodges as long as they meet residential standards and you are using it as your primary residence.


How long will my new home last?

All new homes have a 10 year gold shield structural warranty (https://goldshieldwarranty.co.uk/warranty-scheme.html ) and the roof tiles have a 40 warranty. As with anything it depends on how well the home is looked after. We have homes on Sun Valley Park that are over 40 years old and from outside it’s hard to see any difference to a new home.


Do I own my home?

Yes you own your home. Although you do not own the land upon which your home is situated, you still have the right to keep your park home on its pitch as long as you wish as covered by the The Mobile Homes Act 1983.


Who’s responsible for maintenance?

The owner of the home is responsible for the maintenance of the Park Home and gardens around the home. The park owner is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the roads and communal areas. All Responsibilities are put into the written agreement.


Can I use my Park Home as a second home?

No. Your Park Home needs to be your primary residence. All of our park rules can be found here: Park Rules


Can I live on the Park all year?

Yes. Both of our Parks have residential planning permission and are licensed by Cornwall Council for residential use. It is always best to check that any park you are thinking about buying a home on has the correct licencing.The protection offered by the Mobile Homes Act 1983 applies to licensed residential parks - and is not available on holiday parks.The Mobile Homes Act 1983 gives the owner of the park home security of tenure - and that is probably its single most important safeguard. It also gives the home owner the right to sell the home on the park, and the right to leave it to members of the family.

Park homes; know your rights' is published by government and is available to download and further guidance is available on line here.


Do you allow pets on the park?

We do allow caged pets that are strictly confined to the home. All of our park rules can be found here: Park Rules


Do I have to sell my Home to the Park when I move?

No. Providing your purchaser complies with the Park Rules you are able to sell your Park home through an agent of your choice to a buyer of your choice. The park owner/manager shouldn’t get involved with the sale of your home


Can I get a loan to buy a park home?

Loans are available to those buying a park home, and the major lenders are the larger independent finance houses.


Do you do part exchange?

Yes - we can proved part exchange through our partners Quick Move Properties.

If you have a home to sell and are interested in part exchange we work in partnership with Quick Move Properties.



Do you have a residents committee?

No. Currently we don’t have a residents committee however we would welcome a residents committee. To-date people have preferred to talk directly to us the Park owner/manager.


Do you have a club house on the park?

No. However St Columb has a number of Public houses and various social groups that meet within walking distance of the Parks. This gives plenty of opportunity to get involved with the wider community. More information on clubs and groups in the town can be found at http://www.stcolumb.org.uk/

Latest News


You are invited to come and visit  our  new show home at Chy Noweth Park. We now only have 3 plots remaining on our small idyllic site in the beautiful town of St. Columb Major.

If you would like to book a viewing or talk to us about designing your own home, please ring our office on 01637 880549 or email us:

enquiries @ kernowparkhomes.co.uk

See the plan of Chy Noweth, our latest new development
Click the image to see a larger plan
Chy Noweth Park
Contact Us for more information
